Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Oh Oh.

Competition. I do not like this. I do not like this at all.

From 1/19/06:

(Claire Huxtable!!)
PROS: beautiful, rich, successful. Will probably open the door to me hanging out with Bill Cosby (and Lisa Bonet???!?!?!?). Always wears tight, silk blouses (at least on “The Cosby Show.”) Her sister Debbie can teach me how to dance. Also, she just got a divorce from Ahmad Rashad, so she’s probably had enough of rich, successful handsome men.
CONS: I’m pretty sure she’s almost 80. One of her THREE ex-husbands was one of the Village People. OJ was best man at her last wedding, which means there’s a good chance he will, you know, …kill me.
ODDS: 0%. zilch. waaaaay too classy for me. Would not cross the street to kick me in the nuts, and I wouldn’t blame her. Feel ashamed I used the phrase "my nuts" in the very presence of her name.

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