Saturday, March 29, 2008

Reality Show Idea

"Who Fucked My Wife?"
A man and his wife sit on a couch while a panel of 4 dudes each claim to have slept with the wife in the past, of which only one of them actually has. Each of the men describe their night of amore, and the husband, either by remembering his wife mentioning one of the dudes before or by picking up on intimate details in their stories, tries to figure which one is telling the truth. Caveat: if the husband picks wrong, the wife gets to sleep with that dude as well.

Flipside of course would be "Who Fucked My Husband?" This time the panel is four women, each of whom vigorously deny having slept with the husband, each woman trying to appear more disgusted with the very thought of such a thing than the next. Wife tries to detect who's bullshitting. Caveat: if the woman picks wrong, husband gets a three-way.

FOX, I am open to offers!

1 comment:

andtheend. said...
