Thursday, March 27, 2008

Sigh (part 559)

Some mornings on the way to work I'm early, so I actually WANT the train to come a few minutes later so I can have a few more minutes to read the paper. The JUMBLE doesn't unscramble itself, people. Of course these are the very mornings the trains comes flying like a bat outta hell the second I get to the platform, practically screaming at me "CAMON CAMON CAMON, LETS GO!!!" So I don't get those few extra minutes to read. Of course if I'm running late, whaddya know: train sitting in the station a few stops away, nibbling a croissant/sipping Sunny Delight. In no rush at all. "Relax, we'll get there when we get there."

Christ. Like the wind never being at my back and the sun always in my eyes: even when I WANT the train to be late, I can't fucking win. Unreal.

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