Monday, March 17, 2008

Somthing Weird is Going On...

...SNL actually has a sketch that is funny. And now Sheryl Crow, the single-most "oh my god this is so fucking boring I can't even rub one out to her even though she's a TOTAL Mrs. Xmastime with those teeth, her songs are so numbingly dull" singer of her generation actually has a song that I don't hate more than having a pork chop wrapped around my nuts at a wolverine convention. Stumbled upon this the other day. The song itself it kinda whatever, like kiddie-pretend reggae, but that chorus is glued to my brain like a fat kid's nose at the Krispy Kreme window. Man. Are we in bizarro-world?? SNL's funny, Sheryl Crow has a good song...what's next? OHOH...I think SOMEBODY is gonna be getting laid soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


here. said...

jesus dude, guess foot locker gave you a new taste in music too.

Rambler said...

I like Sheryl but she needs to ease up on the botox.