Wednesday, March 05, 2008

This is Getting Creepy

"Actor Patrick Swayze has been diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer and is currently undergoing treatment. Patrick's physician Dr. George Fisher states, 'Patrick has a very limited amount of disease and he appears to be responding well to treatment thus far. All of the reports stating the timeframe of his prognosis and his physical side effects are absolutely untrue. We are considerably more optimistic.' Patrick is continuing his normal schedule during this time, which includes working on upcoming projects. The outpouring of support and concern he has already received from the public is deeply appreciated by Patrick and his family."

I've avoided posting on this all day cause, well, cause the first news I heard was from the Enquirer, so. I guess finding this out after my post on Monday has us all all thinking the same things right now:

1) Does Xmastime have some sort of super powers, able to move the events of history along by his mere suggestion?

2) Shouldn't he then be posting about Jessica Alba mailing him her bike shorts?

3) How quickly can we get this sequel done now? One advantage is that if we follow the original, there doesn't even have to be an ending that makes any sense at all. The first one looks like "oh well, we're outta tape, that's a wrap. Print!" For this one, just film enough shit as fast as possible and you can just stop at anytime, no? "Okay, Patrick's dead, that's a wrap. Print!"

4) Can I officially coin "The Road House Curse" at this time?

5) When this movie came out, what genius predicted Sam Elliot would be the last one standing? Sam Elliot: The Brian Wilson of "Road House."

6) Wait, is Sam Eilliot alive?

7) IS beef what's for dinner?

I'm digressing. Anyways, between this and Jeff Healey dying and being maybe the single dumbest movie in history, this is a tuff week for "Road House." Godspeed.

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