Tuesday, March 04, 2008

THIS is what My Goals in Life Have Become. Sigh.

Watching "Little Children" again tonite I realized that my favorite scene isn't one that involves Kate Winslet-Xmastime being nekkid, but rather the scene where Ronnie the Child Molester is on a date. This is where you readers feign outrage/shock re: a child molester getting more dates than Xmastime. Pause for righteous umbrage...still shaking your heads...good.

But dude does something brilliant: when the waiter comes and asks if his date would like her meal wrapped up to go, she says no, don't worry about it - and Ronnie jumps in and says "oh yeah, wrap it up, I'll take it home." Fucking awesome! Who would even dream of doing that on a first date? "Oh yeah wrap it up - later on, just so you know sweetheart, I will be eating your leftover food that I was too cheap to leave at the restaurant." Dude just jumps in and takes it. How horny must this chick be getting? Between this move at the table and then his jerking off in her car while she cries her eyes out, I must say. Impressive first date. Certainly better than any date I can remember. We couldn't get an update on them along with the credits at the end of the flick?

1 comment:

Rambler said...

Jackie Earle Haley rocks! He was the one bright spot in Semi-Pro too.