Saturday, March 08, 2008

Tobacco Road

Watching Duke/Carolina right now, I was fascinated by the fact that three of Duke's starters were All-State quarterbacks in high school; one of them the National Player of the Year. And all three said no thanks to football to gun the rock at Duke. And I thought I was an amazing athlete in high school cause I played three sports. Christ.

This fascination was quickly topped when I realized that one of the Duke players in high school played for the Haddonfield Bulldawgs. Not "Bulldawgs" as in kinda student-slang for "Bulldogs", but officially: the Bulldawgs. I don't know if I think that's fucking awesome, or if I'm abhorred by it. But it would seem to open the door to one day seeing office signs such as "Jay Braxton, MD - Snatch Doctor."

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