Monday, March 10, 2008

Vatican Lists New Sinful Behavior

What this fuck is this shit?

"Now the Vatican says it is time to modernize the list to fit a global world."

Really? Camon. What's next, "it is a sin to hit the restart button on Sega if you're losing to the computer"? Answering your cellie during a lap dance? Wouldn't the Vatican be more effective if shrouded in ancient mystery? I remember when I was a kid my grandfather lamenting that everything changed for the worse when they stopped doing Mass in Latin. "We had no idea what they were saying, and it scared the hell out of us." And here in 2008, we get "Thou shalt not film drunk college girls for YouPorn." Fucking hell.

1 comment:

Gina said...

Now... if they could only simplify things by getting the never changing Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Global world, they'll be fulfilling the great commission. Not listing sins, but leading people to the forgiver of all sins once and for all. And IF you do sin, you have an advocate with God who is Jesus Christ. Done. No more striving to be good enough. No more condemnation that you aren't. Paid the price. It's over. Lists...please. Burn the lists with the porn~!