Monday, April 07, 2008

Intelligent Design...Really?

When rolling my eyes at the very thought of "Intelligent Design" I usually focus on the first word, as in "doubt it." But it now ocured to me that the philosophical anomaly is in the other word, "design." Wouldn't "design" imply that God had to think it through, that he had to carefully craft humans? Hunched over a sketch book, crunching numbers on his graphing calculator sending out for Chinese food late night?

And yet we're fed that God is "all-knowing." If he is so all-knowing and magical, wouldn't he just kinda go "POOF!" "there ya go, humans created!"? It's not enough these people want us to believe we were created by some fairy in the sky, we also have to act as if he "designed" us using his "intelligence"? Really? Maybe while controlling everything in the universe he also has trouble setting the clock on the vcr? Camon. All-knowing, all-powerful God or Tim the Tool Man Taylor, fucking pick one fuck's sake.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The capacity for intelligent design must have been an attribute of the Designer since man was made in His Image, no?