Monday, April 07, 2008

I've Lived Too Long, Part XCI

Somehow I got attached to some monthly email newsletter my old fraternity sends out. I've never met any of these kids (ain't visited my alma mater since I left), but sometimes I scan the letter for kicks. And, of course, to close my yes, dream, and try to remember that sweet nectar that was once youth.

So today I'm kinda scanning through it and come upon this tidbit under "old business":

Old Business - Renting naked girls (tabled)

What? Excuse me? Now, of course part of me tells me this is a joke. But maybe not. And if it's not, how the fuck would something like this get "tabled"? I mean, how is this even a discussion, much less a debate? "You guys are right, maybe having naked girls around isn't a good idea, let's pick this up next month, shall we?" What the fuck?

I know this generation has become numbed to sex/nudity et al with the internet. I know I'm from the era of sniffing out the drawers section from Sears & Roebuck from a mile away, I know I'm from the days of renting a porn vieo and watching it in a room with 8 dudes, each of use trying to look bored. I know things have changed. But Jesus Christ. Naked girls at your disposal? In Farmville, Va? In my day if this had happened it's like "everybody cash their fucking tuition checks so we can pay the girls! gay guy, that means you too!!" Now it's like "Let's get the details of this weekend's fish-fry fundraiser nailed down, we can talk about naked girls later." Man. Naked chicks, tabled. Things have changed, pods.

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