Saturday, April 05, 2008

John. Please. Stop.

Has there been any video recently as cringe-worthy as McCain's "speech" today in Memphis? The whole "golly gee, I'm sorry" nonsense is unreal. In particular his "We can all be a little late sometimes in doing the right thing" line is nauseous. Really? A "little late"? It took 24 years and a tourist boycott (and the NFL) to finally get your state, of which you were a Senator of course, to recognize MLK Day. And now you're standing there in the very parking lot near which King was killed and you're shrugging your shoulders; "hey, I finally made it, where's the ice cream cake?"

But the more I see this pathetic video thrughout the day, the more I see you know what, it's not even about race with him. It's not. Let's be real: he pandered to his racist constituency in keeping the day NOT a holiday for MLK, and now he's pandering to anyone who will listen to run for president. "Oh, I LOVE black people! I just wish Martin were still here, he'd be my first Facebook friend!" Fine. We're all grownups, lets call a spade a spade. Terrible analogy. (beep)

But the point is McCain shouldn't have felt the need to even come to Memphis; it would be like a hand without an index finger: there's no point (I just made that up!!) McCain should've just skipped today's ceremonies, he should've realized you know what, I stand against everything Martin Luther King stood for.

Cause he does. Martin Luther King dedicated a lifetime to peace. Passive resistance, civil disobedience, the teachings of Ghandi. Forward movement through peace and tolerance. McCain? Well, as soon as we, and I quote, "bomb-bomb-bomb, bomb-bomb Iran," then we can then settle nicely into a war in Iraq that will last at least 100 years. McCain has advertised himself as a warrior, which warms the cockles of Americans everywhere of course. But the problem is, a warrior without a war is just some guy walking around. McCain is the polar opposite of Martin Luther King, and it has nothing to do with the color of his skin. Instead of sleepwalking through some scripted nonsense today so he's not labeled a racist, McCain should be honest. His very existence is predicated on war. So John, maybe next time you feel compelled to speak about MLK becasue it's the right political thing to do, think of your supporters. And who would not be one of them. And then go somewhere else. Please.

1 comment:

Gina said...

like a hand without a thumb, there's no hitch.