Friday, April 04, 2008


Watching clips from the RFK speech in Indy as the city threatened to burn itself down, for the first time it occured to me that the speech was completely extemporaneous. Such an emotional, violence-bursting-at-the-seams moment with police snipers on the rooves and guns in the streets, and he just spoke from the heart off the top of his head. Amazing to even consider nowadays, right? Public figure like that can't comment on a can of waxed beans these days without vetting a dozen consultants and polling a thousand people. Ah well. (ironically, the one dude who prolly COULD do this is Bill Clinton, who in one of life's juxtapositions is also the godfather of polling the hell out of everything.)

Of course, my own link to the MLK assassination here. I'm so proud.

And my #1 slice here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's a "roove"?