Thursday, April 10, 2008


When I first got a Myspace page for HAYDAY, I was very discerning when it came to approving "friend" requests. I'd scratch my chin and think hmm, let's check so and so out first...I'd go to their page, make sure I approved of their music or whatever, get a sense that they were normal, nice people. If I got one of those requests from an obvious stripper or porn star, I'd be chagrined, DENY!!!! Things have gradually changed. Now I just click approve, click, click, click, whoever, I don't care. Coupla strippers? APPROVE! Your band name is "I Rape and Eat Little Baby Boys", whatever, clickity click click APPROVE. OJ, Manson, Bin Laden, Hitler's nuts, whatever, I don't care. APPROVE.

A few minutes ago I got another friend request. Aerosmith. As usual, I did not hesitate at all to click my answer.


Worthless douchebags.

1 comment:

Gina said...

i am not too happy with myspace. i don't wanna decorate and entertain over there, but my kids need Auntie to be there and I won't let em down! Who has time for all of this??