Friday, April 18, 2008

Pain Don't Hurt

If there's one nice thing I can say about George Bush before he leaves office, it's that I can link him to Road House. I remember reading somewhere once that the character of Brad Westley was loosely based on a real guy; some asshole who ruled a small town in Missourri or some such. Collecting "insurance" from every business in town, keeping his boot heel on everybody's throats etc. Apparently one day the townfolk finally had enough, and one day in the middle of town everybody gathered round and the asshole was shot to death. When the cops showed up, everyone in town said the same thing: didn't see nothing. Don't know nothing. Town, back in business. Apparently the guy was such a douchebag the case was immediately closed with no further questions, and the town was finally free of "The Real Brad Westley."

Hey, I'm not saying we should kill Bush. Hell, I'm doing him a favor, tying him into Road House, no matter how unflatteringly. But if there's ever been a president who deserves such an ignominious ending, isn't it this one? Shot down in front of every American after everything that's happened the last eight years. Didn't see nothing. Don't know nothing. Country, back in business.

Or, as the Great Dalton once said: there's always clown college.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are a couple words in this post that will probably draw the attention of the Secret Service. You might want to use a little more care in the future.