Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Real Ray Pruitt

Whatever happened to Jamie Walter's music career? I mean, did anybody buy those "Hi, I'm on 90210!" albums? I never heard of him outside of the show - seriously, how bad must your cuts suck if you're on Beverly HIlls 90210 every week pushing your music and you're still not selling albums? Yeesh. Christ, was that stupid song "Hold On" or whatever even worse than I remembered? Wow. I would think if you were a loaf of bread with a guitar on that show every week, you could sell out MSG. But not Ray. Jamie. Whoever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I still hear "How do you talk to an angel" on 98.9 Liberty here in RVA. Ray-mie Pru-alter lives. . .
And Donna Martin graduates!!