Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Today's Ramsay

Dude loves burgers, runs marathons, and gives us his burger recipe. HOW MANY MORE REASONS CAN THIS MAN GIVE ME TO LOVE HIM??!?!!?!?!?

Knocks such as his football injury have helped the fiery chef cope with criticism, especially after opening his New York restaurant, Gordon Ramsay At The London.

He said: "New York was a tough opening. The critics were out. The first complaint was a lady saying the doors to the bathroom were too heavy. I suggested she went to the gym and dinner at the same time, she toldme to p*** off.

"I'm in the customer service industry and want to create a little bit of magic so if she found my bathroom doors deeply heavy, then God knows what happened to the toilet paper on her bottom."

"Xmastime, gimme 10!"

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