Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tonight's Democratic Debate

This debate is ridiculous. And embarrassing; feels like it's been put on by Mrs. Hundley's 7th grade class. First of all, it seems as if everyone's asleep. But I've spent the last 30 minutes watching, and all I've seen is an endless series of "gotcha!" moments on Obama re: who's supporting him. Rev. Wright, the Weather Underground, Hitler, Satan, etc etc etc. This nonsensical "well, someone you once knew knows someone who once almost thought about not liking America likes you" childish bullshit. All a desperate attempt for him to have to apologize for and disown everyone he's ever even remotely been a part of. When does this shit ever end? At what point does Barack get to turn to Hillary and say "hey, you're white. Anything you wanna say to me?" For fuck's sake. This is atrocious.

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