Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Are We Fighting Retards?

Over the years my nose has scrunched up in doubt/wonderment whenever I'd hear about the months and months we were taking to train Iraqi troops to fight for us. "Oh, everything's taking so long cause, you know, we have to train the troops." What the fuck, I'd think, how come we train a Marine for 13 weeks and then send him anywhere in the world with an M-16 and a copy of Club International, but we're taking months and years training these people?

Then I see this today. Tragic I think, fucking atrocious. Poor kids. Unreal. But then, I can't help but notice...they've been training for a month? For a suicide attack coming up in about 2 weeks? Really? And it's not like you can say well, "they're taking 6 weeks to brainwash them" cause none of the kids mentioned seemed to be really into it. 6 weeks? Really? What the fuck is wrong with these people? We've been in a war for 5 years and spent billions of dollars and thousands of lives with people that need to train for six weeks on how to strap on some TNT and walk into a pizza parlor? What the fuck - yet another reason to get the fuck outta there; apparently the whole region is just a bunch of Barney Fifes* walking around into each other!!!

* Fives?

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