Thursday, May 29, 2008

Dudes: Call Me!!

I see the state of New York is looking to make me and Gordon getting together legal. YES!!!

The interesting thing to me about same-sex marriage is that to this day nobody has issued a real reason against it, much less a coherent argument. People get all worked up and steamed about it and throw out platitudes et al, but in the end have actually said nothing with rationale or logic. You get the tried and true "it devalues the unity between man and woman!!" credos over and over. Hey, you know what else does? The almost 60% divorce rate. If you wanna spend your time fighting for something that is failing miserably then go work for the NHL. Then you get a string of generic "oh, it's amoral, blah blah blah" stuff. Which is funny, cause a century and a half ago we could actually own other people; do we have a problem with our "morals" changing over that one? Then as a last gasp you get some chutterfuck yammering that the Bible says homos can't get married. I'll make a deal with you: if you can bring me a snake that talks, I'll dedicate my life to making sure boys can't kiss each other.

Guess what? Shit changes. People change, societies evolve. To quote my friends from a little movie The Short Bus calls "MOUSE! MOUSE! MOUSE!!!!":

Django: This is the way things are; you can't change nature.
Remy: Change IS nature, Dad.

Yes, I understand this means that millions of gay men will now be swarming into your house to desperately try to break up your own marriage, but luckily you've got your gun collection to blow them away, don't you?


Anonymous said...

I think you just made the case against it: the increase in divorce cases clogging the courts.

Xmastime said...

really? unclogging the courts is more important than giving two people who love each other a chance at certain rights that others have?

well then lets make ALL marriage illegal if we're gonna pretend to care about unclogging the courts. if its that important and all.

Anonymous said...

That's not a bad idea. There would be a lot less misery in the world without all those divorces.

Gina said...

No talking snakes here. Jesus strongly urged his followers not to participate in same sex relationships, however made it perfectly clear that we are to love one another (as we love ourselves), and not spend our time judging and condemning non- believers. Love people and leave the rest to God. Judge ourselves and hold each other accountable since life is one big temptation to sinnnnnn. Two hairy men locked in a tango creeps me out just the same. hurdy gurdy.