Thursday, May 29, 2008

You Call That "Strolling"?

I think one more example of what a rushed, frantic society we are is the jogging stroller. Who came up with this shit? "Boy, I really need to go for a jog...but I also have this 3-month old baby I have to take care of...I got it!! I'll combine the two!" Sounds safe, right? Put the kid in a cart with wheels and then take off sprinting down the street like a bat outta hell. Hey, nothing can hit YOU; the baby and stroller, like my penis at the Pizza Hut Porn Awards, are a good 3 feet in front running interference!

Why not just shoot the kid out of a cannon and then sprint to try to catch him before he hits the ground? Christ.

ps - I actually image-Googled "baby getting shot out of a cannon." Hmm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And the baby is the first thing that jaywalks right out in front of my car at every intersection. Can't these people look both way before crossing like we are all taught as tots? "yes, but she and the baby were the healthiest looking corpses littered across the street."