Thursday, June 19, 2008

Enough Already

Can we all stop barking like seals over Michelle Obama's performance on The View? We're all soooo proud!! and sooooo excited!!!! that she went on there and "held her own." Really? Ummm...lil insulting, no? I mean, she went to Princeton. And Harvard Law School. Should we really be so amazed she "held her own!!" with a group that includes a woman who's 100 years old, the lead actress of the Sister Act franchise, a 60 year-old "comedienne" that nobody has ever heard of, Elisabeth "George W. Bush is the greatest president ever not named John McCain!" Hasselbeck and a woman who juuuuuuuust isn't convinced yet that the Earth is round? Yes, we're all AMAZED she didn't break down sobbing in the middle of their intellectual gymnastics. Christ.

1 comment:

Gina said...

please tell me they didn't ask her about the purple dress.