Wednesday, June 11, 2008

For Fuck's Sake

Everybody on the planet seems to think now that they've woken up, the Lakers are gonna breeze thru the rest of the Finals. I don't get this. First of all, before the series began all of a sudden every "expert" or sports radio caller was talking as if the Celtics shouldn't even show up. A no brainer, according to everybody. Which annoyed me. You can say the Lakers will win, but this "no brainer, it's over" tone is baffling. The Celtics did win 66 games this year, this isn't my junior year 0-21 team rolling up into the Forum. But no, everybody was saying, that's it, Celts will be lucky to get one game.

And then even as the Celtics went up 2-0 everybody's like "well, that's it, all Lakers from here on out!", all because the Lakers had played well for 7 minutes. NOW it's a no-brainer again! First 2 games were exhibition games!! What the fuck?

And of course since they won last night Paul Pierce and KG should be shredding paper for ticker tape while peeling Kobe's grapes.

I don't mind you saying the Lakers will win. Even down 2-0, I got no problem with you saying they'll come back and win in a tough series. But at every turn, this "why are we even playing, can't we get Kobe's ring fitted already?" nonsense is pissing me off.


BayonneMike said...

I guess these dunces didn't learn anything from the Super Bowl.

Xmastime said...

well, at least that could be seen as something of an upset. im sorry, but nobody who's not a Giants fan woulda picked the Giants in that game. but lakers/celtics, i dont see how either team wining could be an upset, or even a surprise really.