Sunday, June 08, 2008

A Hard Day's Night

Oooooh, A Hard Day's Night is on IFC ("IFC" is code of course for "i'm sensitive, please come sit on my face while I cry during Belle and Sebastion outtakes.") The funny thing about this flick is I know people that don't like the Beatles, but I don't know anybody who doesn't like this movie (and has seen it, of course.)

Something else that's funny is that this is in my Top 3 Film Slice List of all time, and Hard Day's Night is my favorite Beatles album, but the title track, while great, is a song I don't know that I'd put in my Beatles Top 100. Tho that says something more about how many great songs they have than how few times I've gotten laid this year, right?

Hey, something else that's funny? Having more piss jars than sheets in your bedroom. Sigh.

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