Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Heres your Chance

Reading this post over on Sully, it occurred to me: any of you hetero couples whose marriage is destroyed by the fact that gay people can officially wed, send your stories here. Seriously,I'd love to hear it. If this decision somehow renders your marriage moot, if you find the sanctity of your own wedlock destroyed because of this, write me. I will post every actual example sent in. As I stated here, before the past few weeks people against gay marriage only had haughty, generic platitudes/fear-mongering rhetoric on their side - now that it's all starting to happen, I'm offering to help you bolster your case with actual facts. Again: if you find your marriage has been destroyed by the fact that gay people may now be legally joined, let us know about it. Cause I'd love to hear it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved this.
