Thursday, June 12, 2008

Maybe We Can Tell Them We've Moved?

Michael Daly's article in the Daily News today reminded me of something I had read about the new GI Bill possibly getting vetoed for being "too enticing" - that if we give the troops a chance, they will of course opt for something other than wandering around Baghdad waiting to get blown to bits. To whit:
Having saddled the military with a botched, unwinnable war, having squandered soldiers’ lives and failed them in so many ways, the commander in chief now resists giving the troops a chance at better futures out of uniform. So lavish with other people’s sacrifices, so reckless in pouring the national treasure into the sandy pit of Iraq, Mr. Bush remains as cheap as ever when it comes to helping people at home...Mr. Bush — and, to his great discredit, Senator John McCain — have argued against a better G.I. Bill, for the worst reasons. They would prefer that college benefits for service members remain just mediocre enough that people in uniform are more likely to stay put.

Juuuuuuuuuust mediocre enough to make them stay put...BRILLIANT! These are, of course, the same troops we're supposed to cry and genuflect over and over, according to the hawks/Hannitys/right-wingers of the world. "Heroes," I believe is the word. But then of course we wanna basically keep them trapped into serving and serving and serving, I guess.

First of all, it sounds like Congress isn't spending enuff time cutting Veteran's Benefits these days!! But also, why stop at ditching this GI Bill, this chance for them to go to college after risking their lives for us? Why not go all out - whenever a guy is getting ready to leave, let's tell him his whole family was killed in a plane crash, there's no reason to go home? Have someone back home sleep with his wife so he won't wanna go home? Burn their houses down, tell them Aerosmith has finally broken up?

Hey, if we gotta keep those kids over their sweating their balls off so that when Jesus comes he'll know how much we love him, I think we can do a little better than not letting them go to college, right?

ps - didn't we call this sharecropping once? similar, at least? hmm.

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