Monday, June 09, 2008

Spike v. Clint

Hey, I love Spike Lee. Who doesn't? But for him, at the age of 50, to SPRINT past the race card straight to the slave card, I dunno. Seemed desperate on his part, panicky. I'm not down with that. Camon. You wanna cry bigotry? Okay, no problem. Bigotry. Clint Eastwood is a bigot. Okay. But to drum up slavery? Really? Hey, I got an idea - let's blame Clint for not giving jobs to knights of the round table! SOME KNIGHTS ARE HAND PICKED BY THE QUEEN, ASSHOLE!!!!

Spike, seriously. We're all racist, and we all remember racism. We're human. Wanna hate somebody? Fine. But slavery? Sorry. Can't pull that one out anymore. I can almost promise you you'll never run into anyone who had slaves. Sorry!

So slow down next time. Take it one step at a time. You can't blame me for killing the dinosaurs until you've proven I hate birds!!!!!!!

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