Thursday, June 12, 2008

Weather Channel

The Weather Channel is fucking worthless. Whenever I flip to it, I just wanna see the temperature. That's it, should take about three seconds. But of course every fucking time I turn to it some dipshit's standing there blathering "Let's check out the mold in the air in Jimmy Nutsack's apartment here in Chutterfuck, Iowa!" GRrrrrrrrr!!!!

ps - I also could give two shits re: rainfall in Madagascar. Can't these things get more local? Why not just show a picture of the fucking Milky Way on the screen all day?

Ahhh, thanks...I'll grab a windbreaker on the way out.

1 comment:

Rambler said...

That worthless channel is about to be sold for a couple billion. Want to join in on my idea for "The Time Channel." It's just a big clock. It can easily be marketed around the world!