Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Facebook College Crush Update (Episode: The Endgame)

You know what - Nerdhappy is right. I'm giving this chick til 4:55pm today to respond. No response = I'm pulling my invite. Fuck her!!

Stay tuned to see if she writes. Grrr.


mamalizza said...

patience! she might have seen that you friend requested her via email but might be waiting until she has a chance to pretty herself up and get comfortable before she actually logs into facebook and clicks yes.

Will said...

WHY ARE WE NOT FACEBOOK FRIENDS! come on bro. not cool.

Rambler said...

Or she needs to make sure the Police have all their bugs and taps in place for the stalker case they're building against you

Bridgette said...

Or at 4:55, you write something pathetic & funny about how you're extending the deadline because you were in luuuuuuurve with her.

Xmastime said...

oh, bridgette...sweet, naive bridgette....

Nerdhappy said...

If you pull the request, will she be able to see that you pulled the request? Bc/ that could be worse. Also, be sure to delete all of these posts about her.

Xmastime said...

eff that, NH!! let her see what she has done to me!