Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Brett Favre needs to shut the fuck up. Seriously, he cannot be oblivious to everyone knowing how he’s held the Packers hostage for years now with his “will I stay or go?” nonsense. And yeah he had a good year last year, but it wasn’t long ago he won 4 games in a year and had everybody groaning again and again with his idiotic interceptions. And for all his crying re: the team not getting Randy Moss, he had the ball in his hands with a chance to goto the Super Bowl and then delivered yet another panicky, what the fuck Favre interception to blow it. And for him to try and act like the victim now because the Packers won’t simply let him go to any team he wants to now is absurd.

But one thing that’s grinding my chops now is these idiots who claim that the Pack should succumb to any wish Favre sends their way because he “gave them a championship.”

Yes, he did. And he was great. But that was 19fucking96. TWELVE years ago! When Favre won a ring, Eli Manning was in 7th grade. Camon. Since then, Trent Dilfer has won a fucking Super Bowl for chrissake. I don’t see him demanding the Ravens change their name to the Baltimore Dilfers. This isn’t Tom Brady leaving the Pats right now. Should they let him play forever because during Clinton’s first term they won a Super Bowl? Really?

It’s been so long that I promise you you didn’t call anyone on your cellphone during that game. You didn’t read anything about it on ESPN.com, and when you thought of a “boy band” you thought of New Kids on the Block. Biggie and Tupac were still alive at the start of the season!! Let’s really put how long it’s been in perspective: the last season the Packers won the Super Bowl, we were only a year removed from the last time I had a girlfriend!!!

I know he’s meant a ton to the franchise. But enough. He’s no victim, and the team has a right to move on. Especially since he, you know…RETIRED!!! The last few years have been one long “thanks for the memories!” lap. The team doesn’t owe him jackshit anymore.

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