Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Finally, A Good Idea

I was kinda vaguely cruising thru the news about Ted Stevens, the Alaskan Senator who's in deep shit, just kinda laughing that anyone who was already older than myself when the state he represents actually became a state should get a BIT of a pass, when I stumbled upon the Alaskan Independence Party. The AKIP's goal is for Alaskan secession. Now, I think the country is waaaaay too big as it is, so I happily applaud any state that wants to leave. Wanna go? Wonderful! Get the fuck out!!

Texas has always been on my list; Texas is always yammering about how what a great country it'd be by itself. Wonderful! Get the fuck out!! Have fun sitting next to the kid on the bus who eats his own boogers: Mexico.

Florida needs to get one of these parties going too. Cause they need to get the fuck out. And Vermont and New Hampshire, you're both cute, you don't hurt anybody, but only one of you can stay. Everybody thinks you're the same state, and nobody gives a shit about either of you, so choose which of you gets to stay and which one leaves. It doesn't matter which. Same with Arizona and New Mexico - you're the same state that nobody gives two shits about. One of you gottsta get the fuck out. As for Maine: one day Stephen King is gonna die, and then the rest of us will start to wonder what the fuck you're doing still hanging around. Snippity snip! Get the fuck out!

I applaud Alaska. Get some names on a petition, send it in tout suite and we'll have a big ol' farewell party. You motherfuckers don't pay taxes anyways, so get the fuck out!

1 comment:

Nerdhappy said...

Re: Podcast
Please post the date in the headline. There's no way for me to know if it's been updated without clicking that little triangle and listening, and you know how I hate clicking things. And are you gonna put this on iTunes?