Friday, July 18, 2008

Oh My!


"McCain predicts 'spectacular' terror attempts in Iraq."

Oh, NO!!! We'd better make sure McCain is the President then, shouldn't we?? THIS isn't some Jedi mind trick for us to mull over for the election, right? Obama's probably predicting candy corn floats and Gummi Bear tea parties, the fucking pussy...thanks for the warning...PRESIDENT MCCAIN!!!

A side note: is "spectacular" really the best word he could use here? I dunno about you, but "spectacular", to me, connotes a feeling of some sort of positive greatness, no? I mean, are these gonna be bloody, horrifying acts of terrorism or 4th of July fireworks? Does anybody ever say "and then there was Mary's spectacular rape 2 years ago...."?

1 comment:

Gina said...

John's spectacular testicular cancer scare.