Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Red Sox Update

I hate the Red Sox. Most of all, I hate Kevin Youkilis, who has surpassed Jason Varitek on my most-hated Sox list. I want to peel his skin off in little strips and use the strips to tie up that annoying fucking Williamsburg wanna-be Rasputin beard fucking thing and light it all on fire for him to fucking watch. Probably while he's screaming and whining, like he does anytime a pitch comes within 10 feet of him. Fucking pussy.


Try as I might. I can't hate Francona. I like him, actually. Am I...a bad perosn?

1 comment:

andtheend. said...

hate the sox too. tho i do kinda have a crush on mike lowell. i think it's that one testicle thing.