Sunday, July 06, 2008


And people wonder why I Love A-Rod so much. First at-bat after his wife announces she's divorcing him and what does he do? Cranks one out. Dinger. And not just any old homer, but one that ties him with Mickey Mantle. Mickey Fucking Mantle. Wow. If he had taken 10 minutes writhing around the bases singing Like a Virgin for his home run trot, he'd be our next president. I promise. Or if he had kissed Melky and Cano at home plate a la Madge with Britney and Christina!!!

Seriously. Someone needs to contact A-Rod, he needs to hire me to think of these things for him.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

Kiss Cano, Kiss Cano!
or better yet, make out w/Jeter in dugout.