Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A Little Couth, Please

Via Sully's bloggity-blog:
"It sure is nice having a little more time on my hands, and I'd love to spend some of it with you. Would you like to join me for dinner? [We can] talk about whatever you'd like" - Hillary Clinton, in a fundraising email sent today.

Yes Hillary your presidential campaign is over, but...you do know you're still a Senator, right?

Hey, I know she was trying to be funny, light etc. Okay. But in today's times, and with Congress' -119% approval rating, is this really the best time to convey a picture of yourself kicking your feet up at a Hojo's Diner, looking for something to do/talk about? Really? Isn't there ANYTHING to do in Congress these days? Just waiting for the softball playoffs?

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