Sunday, August 31, 2008

Backwards to Me

I like when guys make a big production of washing their hands after pissing. Cause that's all it is, is a big show. Hey, my dick has been locked away underneath not one but TWO layers of clothing all day, completely impervious to the environment; meanwhile my hands have touched EVERY conceivable thing in the room...tables, people, anything on a grocery shelf. If there's germs in a room, your hands are gonna get 'em. Don't we have it backwards - after pissing, shouldn't we be washing our dicks, along with an apology every time? How many times do we give our buddies "five", and then go holding our dicks to piss? Every day? Ugh. We have it backwards, you fucking idiots.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think this is from "The Pope of Greenwich Village"

(Several men in a restroom, some at the urinals. Alpha man in quasi-mafia says to dopey wanna-be member): "What the Hell? You washed your hands before you took a leak. Who the Hell washes their hands BEFORE they take a piss?"

Sounds right up your alley.