Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Convention Note

One thing I've noticed about these political conventions is that no matter what, there's gonna be about a billion balloons released at some point. What the fuck - aren't we adults? When was the last time something great happened to you and you thought "gee, this would be so much better if I was swamped by 1000 balloons..." Once every four years on tv we hafta watch grown men and women bat around balloons like they're at a fucking kiddy party. I'm 36 years old; when I hear the word "Balloons" I only get excited about one thing. And it ain't dudes running for president.

1 comment:

Gina said...

Reality check: These are not balloons. They are bowling balls, which over time will pull her spine out of alignment, and lead to chronic back pain, severe kyphosis, and a helluva fungal shmeg with an odor beyond which any man could or should rightfully endure.

She needs the heads up while she can still hold her head up.