Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Convention

Was pretty good. Great at times; obviously Michelle Obama and Teddy Kennedy were the highlights. I wasn't jumping up and screaming with joy or crying, but it was okay. I think they should've Willis Reed-ed Teddy's big moment more, but whatevs. Basically when it's the convention of the party you're for, you just hope nobody screws up. Now the GOP Convention, that I will be glued to, waiting for Guiliani to show up with his vampire fangs shaved to look like the Twin Towers. Otherwise, I'll prolly tune into Billy C. and Obama, and that's it. Unless, of course, Bruce plays, as the gossip is suggesting.

SIDE NOTE: I know we all need something to hyper-ventilate to during these things and the media needs to bloviate that the world will explode if we don't hear their screaming every second, but I refuse to believe that there are gonna be any Hillary dramatics. Yes, some of her supporters might get vocal. But the idea that she is somehow gonna try to steal the nomination, or take her 18 million votes over to McCain if she doesn't get a handshake deal to be the next Bond girl, camon. Enough. There will be none of that bullshit. She is a Senator of the United States and a woman who came an inch away from winning the Democratic nomination for President; she's not Andy Dick at a Cub Scout Pancake Supper. Relax. And if these people DO "show us!" by taking their votes from her side to McCain then, well, as usual we get the President we deserve.

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