Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Democratic Party

- has the most refreshing, inspirational national candidate since JFK
- 80% of country is dissatisfied with current situation, wants change
- running against candidate who promises more of the same, but even worse
- and is 72 years old
- running against a VP candidate who is basically a Cub Scout den mother (but hot)

The Dems overcame the odds in 2000 and blew it, then they really ratcheted up their game in 2004 and snatched defeat from the jaws of victory once again, overcoming a retarded opponent who was sending trillions of dollars overseas to have our troops killed. Brilliant. With the odds stacked against them as listed above, the Democrats may be facing their toughest challenge yet. I don't know how they're gonna blow this election, but to say this will be their Magnum Opus is an understatement - I can almost FEEL the buzz of the slow-clap standing ovation when we wake up after Election Day and realzied that yes, they can!

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