Monday, August 25, 2008

Good for Donny

Matthew Yglesias posted about this letter from the Vets for Victory, a group whose reason for existence seems to be reminding us that Barack Hussein Kenny Loggins Bin Laden Obama desperately wants all God-loving Christians to die engulfed in flames, so you better not vote for him. Oh, and send money.

But besides how absurd this whole thing is, I couldn't help but notice that the guy made sure to put the TIME up by the date. What's this for? He's worried people don't think he's working hard? "That fucking Lester, what the hell's be even been doing, he's - oh wait, here's a letter...heeeeeey, lookit that! 8:23am, Lester's already up and on it! Attaboy Lester!!!" Or it backfires, and it reads like most of my text messages: "Tuuudaaty monnin, ilove yo sooo muc, 4:21am"

People. They're whack, right?


Anonymous said...


coincidence? i think not

Gina said...

let the man explain.

Gina said...
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