Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hail to the Queef

There's a lot of things to like about Sarah Palin. Nothing that has to do with being a credible VP pick, but whatevs.

And you Republican mouthpieces on tv and in print, I know that you're just doing your jobs, showing up with plastered-on joyful looks, "thrilled" with the pick, desperately using your best fencing to make it seem like of COURSE she'd be a great preznit if father time kicked while in the White House.


If I hear one more motherfucker try to impress me with her "executive experience" by saying that she was the Commander-in-Chief of the Alaskan National Guard, I swear to christ I'm gonna....well, I'm still gonna wanna bang her, but I'll be miffed.

BARTLET: I had a meeting this morning with the Joint Chiefs. [beat] I’m an accomplished man, Morris. I can sit comfortably with prime ministers and Presidents, even the pope. Why is it every time I sit with the Joint Chiefs, I feel like I’m back at my father’s dinner table.
MORRIS: I’m a naval officer, sir...
BARTLET: You’re a naval officer. You’re a doctor in a uniform. [beat] It’s not like I’m totally without experience, you know.
MORRIS: Yes, sir.
BARTLET: You’re talking to a former governor. I was commander-in-chief of the New Hampshire National Guard.
MORRIS: You guys got into a lot of tough scrapes, did you?
BARTLET: Didn’t have to. We’d just stand on the border and stare you down. Then we’d all go for pancakes. Like you had a lot of closed infantry combat training in premed, huh?

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