Sunday, August 31, 2008

Haunting Me

I haven't slept well lately. The other night I had a dream that a few of my friends and I attacked a guy I used to know. We beat the living shit out of him; when we were done I realized we had beaten him so bad that he had morphed back into a tiny infant. I picked him up and he was a delirious, spittling, drooling infant. Jesus. Can't stop thinking of it.


Tricia said...

does this mean you're scared of getting old?

Gina said...

Wow. Bully for you.

Let's see....In light of the fact that you are a generally sensitive nurturing type (otherwise people wouldn't entrust you with the care of their children), and don't usually use your natural strength in an aggressive manner, it is entirely likely thats the recent attention to your physique and potential development is bringing out another side you which had previously been stifled. You are not only becoming more healthy, and strong, but are trying to balance G the nurturer with G the He-Man, aka The Hulk phenomena.