Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Is There Anything About Williamsburg That Isn't Beyond Gay?

Walking down North 6th earlier I decided to make my once-a-decade stop into a record store. Do my part for the local Mom & Pop store (or, from the looks of the guys working there, Pop & Pop.) Of course, I have no idea how many units of used vinyl a place has to sell to make their $9500/mo. rent, but hey, what do I know.

So I get to the door and I see this sign:


What? My life doesn't suck enough; now I gotta risk getting bitched at by 90-lb dudes with handbags on skateboards if I'm the one with my hand on the door when your stupid cat (ironically named "Stevens", of course) makes a final break for it? Wtf?

I don't need that pressure. Fuck that, I kept walking.

1 comment:

Gina said...

...out of the bag.

so you let him out, right?