Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Modest Proposal

Last week I was talking to Brothatime! about the airlines – he was marveling that the airlines are a huge industry that has been around forever yet has never made any money, and I was marveling that while we’re all supposed to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps and tuff shit if we don’t, the government sure doesn’t seem to mind bailing out the airlines over and over. In short, we were doing a lot of marveling I guess.

The government refuses to even dream of paying our health insurance. But it loves to bail out the airlines. Why not combine the two? Why not have flying insurance – say you pay $50/month or whatever, and you can fly all you want. Within the US, of course. That way the government can keep the big corporate airlines afloat, which it loves to do, and we can fly around all we want without having to worry about paying $7 for a pillow the size of my liver. Hey, it's either that or pay all the money to New Orleans like we promised, it's up to you. If I hadn't already blocked out the next 15 minutes for trying to figure out which Kardashian sister I'd rather bang out (not including Khlozilla of course), I'd figure out how this would actually work in such a way as to keep jobs inside the country instead of exporting them all. But like I said, I'm busy.

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