Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Mrs. Xmastime

I have decided that it's time for me to get a girlfriend. And I've decided that the only way to do that is date as many women as humanly possible. Usually I lie in waiting, and once every 9 or so years I desperately fall in love and dedicate every fiber of being to dreaming about being in love with some girl; obviously we see how this has worked out (flicking Cheetos dust from...well, every part of my body.)

Mamalizza and I cooked up an idea yesterday to use my celebrity, and so I'm kicking off the XMASTIME DATING TOUR!!!! That's right - every Friday, starting next week, I will go out on a date with a girl who has written to me and convinced me that she may be the one for me. Maybe it'll take 52 dates, maybe it'll take 2, who knows. I will choose one girl from the emails I receive each week and meet her for a date. These will be casual-ly dates; ie we're not freaking going to Nobu. Whatever that is. We will have a great, relaxed time getting to know each other. For instance, Date #1:

- Transit Museum
- Pizza shop nearby
- Whatever romance ensues.

You girls know me - don't act like you don't think you'll have a great time. So put together a brief email and send it to me with a picture attached, and by next Monday I will notify Friday's date.

NOTE: I will blog about each and every date!!!! Know this!! However, I will not use your real name. And, short of a complete disaster, I have no intention of being rude/hurting anybody's feelings etc. Hey - I'm out here to find Mrs. Xmastime, for chrissake!

So get those emails in to

1 comment:

BayonneMike said...

Remember that scene in Amarcord when the guy climbs up a tree and starts yelling "I need a woman!"? This sort of reminded me of that.