Sunday, August 31, 2008

My Girl

Already there are some whisperings of skeletons spilling out about Sarah Palin; I'm guessing by this time next week she'll have left the ticket "to meet the special needs of my infant remember, the one with Down's." Hey, McCain vetted her for 30 seconds and once saw a picture of her, so he did all he could've done. Who knew?

But Sarah, no matter what happens in this race, there is one thing they can never take away from you.


Anonymous said...

what whisperings? haven't heard em....

Anonymous said... sooner did i leave this comment (5 min ago) than breaking news comes over the wire about palin's pregnant daughter.

Gina said...

Of course she'll keep the baby! I have decided to ask around at the local high school re: pregnant teens who aren't as eager. I hear there is a whole rash of teens actually trying to get pregnant.