Monday, August 11, 2008


Bush warns Russia to pull back.

I don't understand this...didn't Bush look Putin in the eyes - no no, I believe it was his SOUL he said he looked into, actually - and determine that he was a "good man"? Wtf? How can this be happening - if there's one thing we've learned over the last 7 years it's that Bush's "gut instinct" is amazingly unerring, no? Are you thinking what I'm thinking...that this invasion of Georgia is nothing more than a fabrication made up by the left, liberal escargot-eating media to make W somehow look bad? That's the only thing that makes sense to me. Otherwise, you're asking me to think that Bush got something wrong, which, I mean, camon. What's next, black people being terrified of dogs? Please.

"Look at no, LOOK at me!!...okay, you're cool. BFF!"

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