Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sean! Call Me!!!

Since I haven't been keeping up with my old bff Sean Hannity in a while, since last year I guess, I missed this heated little exchange the other night and found it just now on Andrew Sullivan. Seansy has an aneurism at the very thought of comparing McCain's cheating on his wife with Edwards' own cheating. Watching the video, I had a few thoughts.

1) First of all, I've seen the show many times and this is the first time I've actually seen Alan Colmes speak up. Wow. I had come to think he was this guy, with the ventriliquest on vacation.

2) If Sean is so adamant that McCain should get a pass at cheating cause he suffered through 5+ years of being a prisoner of war, doesn't Edwards get a pass since he had a child die? Ask any parent which scenario they'd prefer, and I'd bet they'd all choose McCain's suffering. Oh, but wait, Edwards has nice hair, so it doesn't work for him. Got it, Seanzarelli.

3) The main thing that makes me shake my head in wonder is again, here the right wingers look like complete fucking idiots. If you're Sean Hannity, why would you insist on spraying lighter fluid on this Edwards news when you KNOW McCain had admitted to having affairs of his own? For chrissake, a cat can accidentally open up Wikipedia and see that McCain repeatedly cheated on his first wife. So you'd think these geniuses would think you know what, let's downplay this like it's no big deal, then people won't be repeating the McCain cheating stuff on tv all day. Say what you will and think what you might, but if you weren't aware of McCain's cheating before this segment on H&C, you sure are now. But these idiots can't even be sneaky about this shit, they're such idiots - look at the two Republican mouthpieces on the show. They're absolutely SHOCKED that this info came out!! They look absolutely flabbergasted. How is that possible? Have they ALL learned from Bush & Co; that style of over-reaching, stomping-around hubris, be it wiretapping or trying to sell our ports to Dubai? Instead of using their brain for once, you have McCain's infidelity repeatedly brought up on, of all channels, FOX. This isn't Bill Maher bringing it up, this is on your home field, for chrissake.

Of course, I have a guess as to how many FOX News viewers I think would take this info in and actually think about it.

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