Thursday, August 14, 2008

Thank God

It looks like we're only a few episodes away from the series finale of Beverly Hills 90210, so by Monday or Tuesday we'll be back into the first season. Jesus, I wouldn't have thought it possible but Kelly's self-righteous indignation has gone through the stratosphere this season, mainly concentrating her hectoring on her boyfriend Matt to not take any of the cases that come his way because his clients would be so sleazy. Hmm. People in need of legal help, sleazy. Whoulda thunk? Maybe Matt should only allow himself to defend little puppies, or rainbows?

Of course Kelly didn't mind seeing lawyers defend sleazebags when her father was in trouble for embezzlement. Or when she got busted for drugs and got off. Or when she shot that guy and got off. Or when she shot that OTHER guy and got off. Or when Dylan got in many a scrape and needed a lawyer. Hmm. Funny, she didn't mind lawyers helping out those times, did she?


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