Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Undecide THIS, Jackoffs

From moi a few months ago:
And now we'll be hearing more and more about having to win over the "undecideds." These people really drive me fucking crazy. How does one even register or list himself as an "undecided"? Doesn't opening your mouth to declare yourself as such imply that you've spent at least 3 seconds thinking about the candidates and issues? enuff to somehow decide you're undecided? And yet you have no opinion, you're a vaccuous canvas? Shouldn't "undecided" really mean "I can't read"? But no, these people sit back in their lazy-boys and say "sell me." Fuck you. If you can't take a few minutes to turn your brain on to try to make an informed decision about who you want running your own country, you don't deserve anyone coming around trying to think for you. If you need someone baking red velvet cake for your vote, maybe you shouldn't be voting at all.

This article from Joe Klein has been making the rounds. What do you know, these "undecided" chutterfucks are at it again, sitting back in their Lay-z-boys taking liquid eclair shots whining "ooooh, sell me!" Christ. And then this "I need some details" shit. Hey, I was hard on Obama in the beginning re: his vagueness. But over the last year or so his details have been folded out. No, he has not come over to my house, sat me down and slowly explained everything with charts and graphs while jerking me off and checking my prostate. I have, you know, paid attention. For fuck's sake, we're living in the age of the Internet...take about 4 seconds, go to the candidate's websites and read EXACTLY what they stand for on EVERYTHING! Christ, Obama sent out a fucking text message to everyone who wanted it when he announced his VP! But no, not enough, gee, "I need the details." No, you "need" to get your man-tits out of your ears and eyes and quit acting like the spoiled brat who has divorced parents fighting over his/her affection with toys. Fuck you! Don't act like you give a shit when you say, after this campaign that has been going on for seemingly 600 years now, that you cannot tell the difference between Obama and McCain because of the lack of "details." Yeah, I'm sure you're stumped because you've done your homework and know that both candidates cosponsored a bill to prohibit health insurance companies from dropping dependent children from health plans if the children take a medically-necessary leave of absence from school. Yeaaaaaaaaahhh, right.

Quit saying that you're an undecided cause you love the attention and take in a sliver of the ridiculous amount of information that is hurled at you all day, every day about these candidates. Otherwise, you're gonna end up getting played like the middle class idiots we all do jug-dances to every four years before fucking them over. Christ. (head exploding)

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