Thursday, August 28, 2008

Weekend in Virginia

The Wilson Boys! Runnin’ hard, runnin’ long…staring at the ground. An inspiring crew.

Paddy Mac’s face: “Video games are stupid. These people are idiots.”
Paddy Mac’s shirt: “I’m crazy bout being white!”

Boat checklist:

Amazingly beautiful windswept hair? Check.
Letting the people know I’m #1? Check.
Sippy cup super-glued to Short Bus’ hand? Check.

Wow. This’ll be the picture they dig up if I ever run for President. Yeesh.

#1. It’s not complicated, people.

The Captain calmly staring you down till you give him a dollar to start the boat.

1 comment:

Gina said...

cute pics!

what's that on your shirt...a slice?

was that boat going fast enough to ripple the skin on your cheeks?